To a large extent, your happiness lies in your own hands.
I know circumstances or issues beyond our control can hinder our happiness; however, you have great control over your happiness.
In the journey of finding satisfaction, peace, and fulfillment in life, there are several things that you need to let go of to be happy and live a beautiful life.
Although we must admit that letting go isn’t always easy, it’s necessary for finding true happiness.
There are certain things that, once released, can help you find peace and joy in life.
It could be a habit, certain character traits, or some toxic behaviors—whatever it may be, you should let it go.
If you’ve wanted to let go of some toxic habit and launch into your happy era, then these are 13 things that you should totally let go of to be genuinely happy.
13 Things To Let Go Of To Be Happy
1. Let Go of Past Regrets

One prominent thing you should let go of if you genuinely want to be happy is relieving yourself of your past mistakes.
You didn’t become wiser overnight; it was a process, a journey that took time.
There were times you had to learn, unlearn, and relearn.
You probably had quite a few things that you didn’t do well—it’s not justifiable to hold onto them.
Instead, hold on to the lessons and pick something valuable from them instead of beating yourself up over it all the time.
Holding onto past mistakes can weigh you down. Embrace the lessons learned and focus on the present moment.
2. Let Go of Toxic Relationships
A lot of us are in toxic relationships, but we don’t even know it. You could be in a relationship that is draining you, and this doesn’t even have to be a romantic relationship—it could be a friendship, family member, or colleague.
To truly gain happiness, you must be selective about the people you allow into your life.
Being around people who drain your energy can make it challenging to feel happy. Let go of connections that don’t uplift you.
3. Let Go of Perfectionism

You can’t always be perfect.
Perfection is a journey, not a destination. Striving for perfection can lead to frustration. Accept that it’s okay to be imperfect and allow yourself room to grow.
4. Let Go of Fear of Change
Change is inevitable and often leads to personal growth. Let go of the fear that comes with stepping into the unknown.
Fear will trap you in a shell, and you might not be able to move out of it. As I always say, success and greatness are for the bold—you need to be bold to achieve what you want to be, regardless of what people say or think.
Trust me, doing this will elevate your happiness.
5. Let Go of Unnecessary Stress

This is a great way to be truly happy: let go of things that don’t matter. Stress that doesn’t count—please, let it go.
Stress can take a heavy toll on both your mind and body. Prioritize what truly matters and let go of things that don’t serve your well-being.
Trust me, you’ll be truly happy.
6. Let Go of Comparison
Comparison is the thief of joy. I recently went through social media and received good news from a friend.
I felt happy for her, but guess what? I started feeling envious a few minutes later.
This happened because I was comparing myself to her.
I had to take a break from social media afterward. Comparison will steal your joy and put you in an uncomfortable place with yourself.
Comparing yourself to others often leaves you feeling inadequate. Focus on your own journey and embrace your unique path.
7. Let Go of Anger and Resentment

Holding onto grudges keeps you stuck in negative emotions.
To be truly happy, you must learn to let go, no matter what. It’s easier said than done but trust me, it’s possible.
Anger will steal your moment because you’ll always reminisce over what the other person did to you.
Forgiveness, on the other hand —whether for others or yourself—can bring healing and freedom. Learn to focus on the future and pay little or no attention to the past.
8. Let Go of the Need for Control
Sometimes, we try to control everything around us, but there’s beauty in surrendering to life’s unpredictability.
Be willing to release your grip on the need to control every situation, event, or person in your life; it could even be your loved ones, coworkers, or random strangers you pass by. Let people be who they are, and let life unfold naturally.
You’ll be surprised how much lighter and freer you’ll feel when you stop trying to force everything into place. You can’t always be in charge; allow people to.
Let go of the need to have everything figured out.
9. Let Go of Self-Doubt

No one can believe in you as much as you believe in yourself. You can achieve this by telling yourself positive things.
Believing in your own worth is essential for happiness.
Let go of the negative self-talk that keeps you from reaching your full potential.
10. Let Go of Unhealthy Habits
Unhealthy habits include procrastination, poor eating, or unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Letting go of these can free up energy for healthier choices and a more fulfilling life. When you let go of unhealthy habits, you gradually embrace a more beautiful and happy life, free of burdens.
So start by listing the things you want to change and the habits you want to improve. After doing this, make a conscious effort to change them.
11. Let Go of Excuses

Stop holding onto your excuses—kick them out and let them know they’re no longer welcome. You don’t need them anymore.
One thing that has helped me is to stop finding excuses for my wrongs; I simply tell myself I have no excuse for this. With that, I can make a change and get the job done.
Too often, we keep ourselves stuck by clinging to reasons why we can’t improve or be better. Instead of growing and making progress, we hide behind excuses that, let’s be honest, aren’t even real most of the time.
It’s time to be honest with yourself and move forward.
12. Stop Being a People Pleaser
Stop living your life trying to meet everyone else’s expectations. Too many people are stuck following the script others wrote for them—what their parents want, friends, teachers, society, or even social media says they should be doing.
In the process, they silence their inner voice and forget what makes them happy. They lose sight of their dreams, needs, and ultimately, themselves.
You only get one life—this life—and it’s yours to live. Take control, follow your own path, and don’t let anyone’s opinions steer you away from it.
13. Procrastination
Many people naturally struggle with procrastination; it’s like a force you can’t help.
Your time is right now. If you can finish things today, don’t wait until tomorrow or the next day.
Putting things off will only make you feel uneasy. Stop making excuses and stop delaying—just get it done.
Happiness isn’t about perfecting everything; it’s about making space for peace, love, and positivity.
Let go of these burdens, and you’ll find more room for joy.