12 Dating Tips For Shy Guys

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A lot of shy guys have trouble when it comes to dating, and it’s easy to understand why.

If you feel nervous or anxious at the thought of talking to women, then your social skills can suffer in a big way.

You might find yourself unable to approach or attract women because you’re too self-conscious about how you look or sound.

The truth is as a shy guy, there’s a high probability that you face rejection from the lady.

But there is so much gain from trying to reveal your intention to a lady irrespective of the fact that you’re shy.

But there are ways for even shy guys to overcome this problem, and with these tips from an expert on dating for men who are too shy, your love life will be looking up in no time

These dating tips will help you if you’re struggling to enjoy your love life.

And in this article, you’ll find everything you need to know if you’re looking to find and maintain love as a shy guy.

Dating Tips For Shy Guys

One of the dating tips that will help a shy guy is when you practice self-confidence.

1. Be Self Confidence

Dating Tips For Shy Guys

Confidence and boldness are the opposite of shyness and timidity.

And that’s why, when looking forward to wooing a lady as an introverted shy guy, you should start by boosting your confidence before approaching her.

Because, if you don’t do, you just might not find the right words to express yourself when you finally get to see her.

So, try positive affirmative words, move with people that boost your confidence, and engage in hobbies that can skyrocket your confidence.

2. Try Online Dating

Online dating is another awesome platform where shy and introverted guys find love.

This is because; you don’t have to burden yourself with meeting new people or finding love physically.

So, you can always definitely find love as a shy person all you need to do is try out some dating apps and start exploring the dating circle.

3. Be Active On Social Media

Trust me; social media is one app where thousands of people find love on a daily basis.

And this is something you can explore as a shy guy. All you need to do is to be active on social media and on your handles.

So start by being active by posting your very awesome pictures, replying to DM’s, and sending messages out to ladies you admire and want to date.

If you’re shy physically you definitely should make the best use of social media.

3. Live Your Best Life

One of the best dating tips for shy guys is to live your best life

Whether or not you’re in a relationship, always remember that you’re a human and to get the best of life, you must live your best life.

So, try not to focus too much on the fact that you’re a shy guy and unable to woo a lady but be happy about life.

As much as asking a lady out may seem difficult it will be less difficult if you’ve built friendship ties with such a lady.

  • Go out with friends
  • Network with more people
  • Do what you love
  • Engage in recreational activities
  • And live your dream life.

4. Build Friendship First

Dating Tips For Shy Guys

So, if you’re currently growing attraction for any lady, don’t just pop the big question to her face rather take your time to build friendship with her and enjoy every bit of it.

5. Find Some Extroverted Friends

When you have a lot of extroverted friends around you, trust me you’ll gradually become ambivert too as well.

Your friends have a large percentage of influence over you.

So, get yourself one of two extroverted friends and you’ll gradually see their extroverted personality will rub off on you with time.

6. Remember Girls Are Human Too

Girls are not different species from humans.

I mean, they are just like you as well.

Having this in mind will make it easier for you to approach them.

So, approach them on the basis of how you’ll love to be approached as a human being too.

So, instead of being scared of them, get to know more about them.

7. Take One Step At A Time

Even extroverts and guys who are always confident about asking a lady out take one step at a time.

You don’t need to rush a lot of things rather take things slowly as much as you can, familiarize yourself with having more conversation with a lot of ladies and try to maintain eye contact with them when conversing.

Spilling the cat out of the bag immediately is something that can ruin your desire to date a girl.

So, be around her for a quite number of time, practice how she wants to be talked to and the manner of words she’ll appreciate the most, when you do this you can then go ahead to as her out.

8. Improve The Way You Look

Dating Tips For Shy Guys

This doesn’t necessarily mean joining the gym or getting yourself expensive clothes all in the name of looking good.

There are little other things you can do to improve your look as an introvert like

  • Dressing smart
  • Smell nice
  • Comb your hair
  • Cut your toenails
  • Use some lip balm
  • Maintain a skincare routine
  • Being confident in what you love.

A lot of girls see the appearance of a guy as a big deal, so if you’re looking forward to improving your dating life try as much as possible to always look good to the lady you’re about to approach.

 And maintain that energy even when you’re not with her as well.

9. Learn To Make Small Talk

Dating Tips For Shy Guys

Small talk is of great benefit, especially to introverted or shy guys.

Although, when you’re dating someone there will be your moment of silence and quietness but it doesn’t have to be regularly.

So try to initiate small talk and conversation with people.

It doesn’t have to be a serious one but having small talk may eventually lead to a more intellectual and interesting conversation.

The point here is not to talk aimlessly but to be comfortable starting up a conversation with people.

Because, if you don’t you may be perceived as a boring guy and no one wants to definitely date a boring guy.

10. Make The Best Of The First Date

A lot of the first dates can be awkward especially if you’re not really conversant with the lady that you’re on a date with.

Nevertheless, you can always make beautiful memories out of your first date.

It is important to get to know yourself during the first date and also ask important but not too serious questions as well.

11. Network/ Meet New People

Dating Tips For Shy Guys

One of the things that will help to overgrow shyness and timidity as a guy is when you network with new people as much as you can.

And that is why you need to be open-minded to meeting new people.

You can try by asking to meet your friend’s friend or attending events or social gatherings.

Because; if you want to enjoy your dating life and experience, you’ll have to go out more.

Who knows, you’re next girlfriend might just be in the next event you’re about to attend.

But if you don’t network, you possibly can’t meet her.

12. Avoid Over-Thinking

One of the dating tips for shy guys is to avoid overthinking.

Overthinking is something that you might not be able to do as a shy guy.

I mean, most of your extroverted friends are in a serious relationships already but here you are being unable to even woo any lady yet.

But, you shouldn’t think about it too much, don’t be harsh on yourself but rather look for practical ways to overcome shyness and timidity just like the ones stated in this article, and see how confident you’ll walk into your next relationship.


Expressing your love life can be quite difficult as a shy guy but if you want to enjoy all the benefits of being in love and dating, you should learn how to overcome your shyness and stand up to woo the lady of your choice.

 Explore these dating tips and see how your love life takes a new turn.

20 Romantic Things To Do On A First Date

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