12 Amazing Health Benefits of Garlic

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Garlic can be regarded as one of the families of onion due to its amazing health benefits. Some years ago, a friend told me some of the enormous health benefits of garlic. At first, I was reluctant to start incorporating Garlic into my diet.

But Later I decided to include it in virtually everything I cook. I can tell you that, of a truth, the nutritional values it consists of are more than the way it tastes. Apart from this, it actually adds more flavor to my dishes.

There are several ways you can enjoy garlic.

You can soak chopped garlic in hot water to make tea, and add some drops of honey, with lemon or lime. I do this a lot and it feels refreshing.

Another way to enjoy this herbal onion is by eating it raw because of its freshness and natural vitamins or nutrients. You’ll get the most benefit from raw garlic.

The taste, which I am indifferent about when chopped and eaten raw, can perform many health wonders in your daily diet as a vegetarian, weight-losser, or regular food lover.

Either way of eating it, garlic offers significant health benefits for both young and old.

Although my kids don’t really like the raw smell as a mother who is conscious of a healthy family, I do not hesitate to include it in my cooking.

Garlic’s amazing health benefits are pungent enough for you to also include in your daily cooking if you are a mother too.

1. Improves the Immune system.

If you are looking for a natural herb or immune system booster, garlic is one of such. Especially in times like this where the need to boost our immunity is highly required, you can always rely on garlic.

2. Garlic fights inflammation in the body.

I never knew I could make garlic oil until a friend had an inflammation in her left arm some months ago. She told me how her nutritionist encouraged her to include garlic in her meals. However, she needed an ointment to apply to the affected area.

So, out of curiosity, I advised her to soak the garlic in a little quantity of olive oil if she had some at home. Surprisingly, it aided the healing.

You too can make oil with garlic and apply it on sores, inflamed joints, or muscles. Just rub the garlic oil on the affected areas. It sure works as an anti-inflammatory med.

3. It enhances cardiovascular conditions.

One of the highest or leading causes of death is cardiovascular-related diseases. This is a major concern for cardiologists in many parts of the world.

One of the ways to stay healthy and prevent any of the cardiovascular diseases is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, of course, garlic is included. Garlic protects the heart, decreases cholesterol, and lessens blood pressure.

4. Garlic boosts hair growth and healthy skin.

Out of curiosity, I made garlic oil and applied it to my hair after some research I did recently. It enhanced the growth and texture of my hair. If you have been suffering from some skin irritation or disease, garlic would help restore healthy hair.

As a result of the antioxidants and antibacterial properties found in garlic, it can clear up your skin and acne-causing bacteria.

5. It fights food poisoning.

The antibacterial properties found in fresh garlic can kill the bacteria that lead to food poisoning. It protects the food and other consumable items in the house.

6. It Fights Fungi Disease

Another health benefit of this onion-like herbal food is the ability to fight fungus in the body. If you are probably suffering from athlete’s foot, you can soak your feet in garlic water or rub raw garlic on your feet to attack the itch-causing fungus.

You can do this by chopping or grating a few cloves in warm water, allowing the water to extract the nutrients in the garlic for a few minutes, and then putting your feet in it.

7. Garlic prevents cancer.

Garlic can also play a role in preventing cancer and as well as slow its progression. Regular intake of garlic may reduce the chances of developing prostate cancer in men. Study shows that early consumption of garlic extract helps fight growing cells that lead to cancer and might reduce the risk of prostate cancer or even reduce the symptoms associated with it.

8. Fights cold and flu.

During the cold weather, people tend to catch some cold and have flu. One of the ways to prevent this sickness is to include garlic in your diet or tea.

This works faster in combating cold because of the antibiotic properties and potential to fight microorganisms that garlic contains.

9. Garlic contains natural antibiotic properties.

Antibiotics are required for fighting certain infections. Garlic is a natural supplier of this property. Although most people prefer antibiotic medications. However, this amazing component in garlic makes is effectively suitable. Minimal daily intake of garlic can also serve as the prevention of some infections.

10. It boosts the level of Cholesterol in the body.

There are good and bad cholesterol. We all need cholesterol in our bodies for functionality and activeness. The one required is the good cholesterol also known as LDL – Low-Density Lipoprotein.

High-level cholesterol can lead to heart disease, but with the help of garlic, it will boost your cholesterol level and lower the risk of developing any heart-related disease.

11. Garlic increases the life span.

Who doesn’t wish to live longer? Taking a look at the beneficial effects mentioned above, you can inarguably agree that garlic has the potential to reduce chronic or life-threatening diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis, and help you live healthy and longer.

12. It prevents Diabetes.

If garlic can prevent high blood pressure, of course, it should prevent high blood sugar levels. I have a friend whose blood sugar level lowered after taking garlic for about six to seven weeks.


I would want to note that, these are my personal opinions, and also based on personal research, this is not medical advice.

I would advise that in as much as the amazing health benefits of garlic are maximal, try as much as possible not to add too much of it into your diet too quickly, especially if you have been placed on some medications. You can consult your doctor or a nutritionist before you include garlic in your diet.

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health benefits of Garlic

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