Reasons Why You Should Do What Makes You Happy

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The only life you can enjoy is your own – Joyce Meyer. If you’re seeking reasons why you should do what makes you happy, read this article till the end.

You only live once (YOLO) thus, is the paramount reason why you should do the exact things that make you happy.

Doing what makes us happy is one habit we should cultivate as humans, in as much doing it doesn’t disturb the well-being of another person.

When you do what makes you happy, it ignites joy from within you and it also gives you reasons to continue living.

Finding a voice and doing what pleases you can be quite difficult in a world of comparison and speculations like ours.

This is because; everyone wants to sell their opinion on how best you should live your life.

And if you’re not careful enough, you’ll end up following their manual for your life thus resulting in not doing the slimily little things that make you happy.

What Does It Mean To Do What Makes You Happy?

Steps I Took To Become A Confident Woman

Doing what makes you happy simply means engaging in activities that bring you joy and make you fulfilled.

However, this doesn’t mean satisfying yourself on the verge of others.

So you must be conscious not to harm yourself or others in that process. Therefore, this will warrant that you’re realistic in choosing the things that make you happy.

For instance, if you’re not passionate about your job doesn’t mean that you should quit even if quitting will make you happy.

This is because; your source of livelihood may be solely dependent on that job.

With this, you can opt for engaging in activities that bring you joy or spend time with friends and family.

There is always a way around doing what makes you happy.

Reasons Why You Should Do What Makes You Happy

1. You’re Responsible For Your Life

The most important reason why you should do what makes you happy is because you are responsible for whatever thing that goes on in your life.

Trust me when I say you have the power of choice to dictate how best you want to live your life.

Not only are you responsible for your life you are also responsible for your happiness.

You don’t need to spend your time chasing happiness or trying to buy happiness. Happiness is a habit cultivated intentionally.

So, instead of attaching your happiness to people, things, or circumstances, you should take the responsibility of constantly making yourself happy.

As much as you can have a lot of people and things around you it’s still a deliberate choice for you to be happy. So, go for it at all costs.

2. Nobody Can Make You Happy As Much As You’ll Do To Yourself.

This may sound harsh but that’s the truth.

This is because you know what makes you happy while others may not know.

Every day we grow into becoming the best version of ourselves and as this happens, it may change our priorities such that we begin to reflect on the things that we can do to make ourselves fulfilled.

When we do this, it ignites happiness from within us.

This form of happiness is what you won’t get from anyone but rather from doing those things that make you happy.

3. It Fuel Creativity

Steps I Took To Become A Confident Woman

Doing what makes you happy makes you more creative in whatever you engage in.

Engaging in what makes you happy puts your mind in a relaxed state thus, innovative and mind-blowing ideas that would enhance your creativity and productivity will begin to flow into your mind.

You may find out that we are majorly more productive when we do things that we love like taking a walk in the park, playing a musical instrument, or having a relaxed mind.

When you cultivate the habit of doing what makes you happy, you become sought out because you’ll always offer the best.

Being happy enhances your problem-solving skills in your everyday life or even in highly technical jobs

4. It Boosts Physical Health

Steps I Took To Become A Confident Woman

There is something happiness does to your body.

It reflects the aura of joy even in your physical body.

As a matter of fact, studies have proven that people regularly engage in things that make them happy.

They also tend to have lower heart rates and blood pressure rather they have a better immune function.

There is this positive energy that you get by doing what makes you happy which in turn is beneficial to the body.

By the way, when you’re happy, you tend to pay attention to your physical health and take good care of your body.

So, pursue the career of your dreams, write that book that you’ve always wanted to write, or visit your dream country so you’ll become happy such that your body system becomes better.

5. It Promotes Personal Growth

When you do what makes you happy, it will always make you strive to become the better version of yourself and seek growth.

Embracing activities that make you happy might warrant that you step out of your comfort zone.

Set goals for yourself and learn new skills as all these are components of personal growth.

This goes beyond achieving the set goals that you’ve written down.

Rather it will open you up to your hidden potential and ability and broaden your horizon to embrace new positive developments in your life.

6. Strengthens Relationship

Steps I Took To Become A Confident Woman

Doing what makes you happy strengthens the bond you have with other people.

When you’re happy, you’re most likely to transfer the positive energy to people who come in contact with you.

So, imagine doing what makes you happy every day; you’ll definitely thrive in a relationship.

This means having a happy friendship, a happy marriage, and a happy society at large.

Doing what makes you happy spark joy in the life of your loved ones.

7. You Deserve To Be Happy

Another reason why you should do what makes you happy is because you deserve to be happy at every point in time.

So it doesn’t matter what others think or say, what matters is that you’ve made your happiness your priority such that you won’t trade anything for it.

8. Satisfaction With Your Life

Steps I Took To Become A Confident Woman

One of the reasons why you should do what makes you happy in life is because it gives you satisfaction.

One of the reasons why you should do what makes you happy is that it will enable you to live a fulfilled life that is a life full of purpose and ambition.

When you cultivate the habit of doing what makes you happy not only will you find satisfaction in life but you will also fall in love with yourself and the type of life you’re living.

This is because being deliberate about living your best life by doing what makes you happy. It will involve you taking risks that a lot of people are naturally scared to take.

Like leaving an unhappy relationship, walking out of a toxic job or even reaching that passionate milestone that you’ve set for yourself.

When you do this and achieve happiness not only will it make you love yourself more but will also foster your self-esteem.

9. Tomorrow Is Guaranteed

The most underrated reason you should do what makes you happy is that no one knows how tomorrow may turn out.

So, imagine you being sad without doing the little and big things that make you happy or spending time with toxic people.

The truth is, life is too short and unpredictable to play games around so, don’t be a people pleaser rather please yourself by doing what makes you happy.

Don’t postpone your happiness neither should you sacrifice your happiness for whatever the case may be. So, engage in the activities that make you happy and enjoy yourself.

10. It  Fosters A Positive Outlook

Steps I Took To Become A Confident Woman

When you see people who genuinely do things that make them happy, they always have an aura of possibility in them.

This is because they gain a lot of motivation from prioritizing their happiness by doing what makes them happy.

This in turn gives them joy even in their hardest moment and with this, they always see the positive sides of situations.


Steps I Took To Become A Confident Woman

There are a lot of reasons why you should do what makes you happy.

Although much as doing what makes you happy may sound like a cliché, it may not really be easy.

Because there are a lot of factors and distractions that are enough to prevent you from not doing what gives you joy.

Nevertheless, you can always engage in those things that make you happy. It doesn’t have to be a strenuous activity it could be a hobby, like singing, writing, impacting lives, or nurturing people.

Whatever it is that makes you happy go for it.

Conclusively, remind yourself that your source of happiness lies with you.

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