Tricks To Make A Man Obsessed With You That Works Every Single Time

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Hey ladies, get in here. It’s time to learn those tricks to make a man obsessed with you that works every single time.

If you really love your man and you want him to stick to you forever then you should read this article till the end.

Although, there are no sure ways to make a man head over heels for you because different things satisfy the love of a man.

However, there are various actions and engagements that if properly followed, your man will always be crazy over you.

If this is something you’re interested in, keep reading.

Tricks To Make A Man Obsessed With You

1. Be Confident

Tricks to make a man obsessed with you

Trust me; men love women who are comfortable and confident in their skin and being themselves.

Your man may find it hard to resist you when you radiate in your own assurance.

As a woman, if you’re looking forward to your man loving and going crazy about you, show him how confident you can be.

Elude your strength and don’t be scared to show him your weakness as well. Your confidence will make you irresistible to him.

In doing this, you have to identify the things that boost your self-confidence, when you do this; it gives you ways on how you can work on your self-esteem and respect.

2. Be Interested In His Life

If you want a man to stick with you for life then show interest in the things that matter to him and don’t always act unchallant about the activities going on around him.

Be curious about the things that interest him, his hobbies, career, friends, or major development in his life.

Don’t be scared to ask him about what you can do to be of help to him.

When a man sees that you show interest in his daily life then he’ll definitely value your presence in his life.

3. Have A Life Of Your Own

Tricks to make a man obsessed with you

One of the tricks to make a man obsessed with you is to create a life of your own.

While it’s important to show interest in your man’s life, it is also essential not to neglect your own life.

A woman who has a life of her own and goes after her passion recklessly is definitely a hot cake to her man.

What are your interests, hobbies, or the things you’re passionate about? Make sure you chase after them.

Having new and revolving activities you engage in makes the relationship more fun and interesting.

Let him see the independent part of you always.

4. Be Playful And Flirty

Tricks to make a man obsessed with you

Of course, no man loves a boring woman.

If you want your man to always be obsessed with you then you must spice your play life, and learn to add a twist to the things that you do.

There are a lot of flirty things to say to a man.

Having a playful atmosphere makes your relationship fun because it is important not to take life too seriously.

Find time to send him flirty texts, leave him awesome notes and tell him sweet things in his ears.

Doing this will definitely make him love you the more.

5. Learn To Be Yourself

I know that a lot of ladies tend to be a bit pretentious when they are around a man they love.

This is because; they want to appear perfect and good.

Doing this will not make your man obsessed with you because, someday, he may get to know who you truly are.

Moreover, the truth is, men know ladies who pretend because trust me, they are not stupid!

So, one of the ways to make your man obsessed with you is to be as real as much as you can.

6. Invest in Growth

Don’t be so drunk in love that you forget your personal growth.

Self-development is one of the major things that make you attractive to a guy.

When you continually invest in knowledge, that guy will see the result in you, and for this; he’ll always want to be around you.

So do what it takes to invest in knowledge.

 Start a daily reading plan, take courses that matter to your passion or interest, and most importantly follow people who can positively rub off on you.

7. Get Along With His Family And Friends

Tricks to make a man obsessed with you

If you want your guy to love you more deeply then try your best to create space for his friends and family.

If you can get along with the people that matter to him perfectly well then, trust me, you’re one step away from forever with him.

Although he may not admit that he wants you to be absolutely cool with his family, knowing what you want in him will definitely make you always build close relationships with his friends and family.

And you don’t have to lie or pretend about this; make it genuine as much as you can.

8. Be Independent

There is something being independent does to you as a woman who is in a romantic relationship, it gives you an edge in that relationship.

Being independent may come in various patterns, financial independence, and all.

Being independent is one of the fastest ways to make a serious guy go crazy about you

When he knows that you are on your own and you do not totally rely on him or the relationship to make you complete, whole, or happy, then he will respect and value you the more.

9. Be Supportive

Tricks to make a man obsessed with you

A man’s ideal woman is someone who can help him nurture his dreams just the way he would.

For this reason, if you want your guy to be obsessed with you then you’ll give him every single support that you can, plan with him, give him your suggestions on major decisions he wants to make, and show your interest or displeasure whenever you’re not comfortable.

When you do this to a man, it shows him that you’re serious about him and this will in turn make him love you for life.

10. Take Care Of Yourself

Another of the tricks to make a man obsessed with you is to take good care of yourself.

Self-care is not always selfish.

As a lady self-care is one thing you should always make a priority either for a man’s sake or not.

If you want your man to love you then don’t play with the power of your feminine appearance.

This involves exercising, eating well, maintaining proper hygiene, knowing how to dress well, having a consistent skincare routine, making a nice hairdo, and having a clear soul and mind.

This is because; having this trait makes you more attractive to your man.

You definitely cannot take care of others if you’re yet to take care of yourself. So, if you’re seeking for your man to be crazily in love with you, make it your habit to invest in self-care.

11. Allow Yourself To Be Vulnerable

Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is one secret to making your man obsessed with you with no extra effort.

Although, being vulnerable is seen as something that you shouldn’t make obvious to your guy, nevertheless, there is something female vulnerability does to guys.

It’s very sexy and attractive to them.

Showing your vulnerability to him isn’t a sign of weakness.

 It rather makes your man care, protect, and look out for you the more.

12. Let Him Do The Chasing

This may sound funny, but yes, let him do the chasing.

Allow him to take the lead when it comes to chasing you.

Although you may make the first move, if you want him to remain head over heels with you, let him do the job of winning your heart.

As a matter of fact, men love it when they chase after a girl they love, it makes them put in more effort.

So, let him continually make more effort to win you, don’t act or look desperate by taking the chasing role.

13. Be An Active Listener

Tricks to make a man obsessed with you

To make your man crazy and obsessed about you, you’ll need to top up your listening skills.

When you’re attentive and you remember the tiniest details that he tells you then he can trust you with more information about the things going on in his life.

As a matter of fact, being a great listener will also make a great communicator, these two skills work handily with each other.

You shouldn’t be distracted when you both are in the middle of a conversation, rather listen for details and get the best way to respond.

This skill will definitely make him crazy about you.

14. Be Spontaneous

Being spontaneous can mean a lot of things.

It may mean showing up randomly at his place with a box of pizza or fries, booking a date with all bills on you, or getting him a surprise gift when he least expects it.

Doing all this not only increases the fun in your relationship but also makes your man love you the more because you’re intentional about him.

In fact, you don’t need to plan everything, just give him a spontaneous visit after work.

Trust me; he’ll definitely appreciate this because he knows it comes from a place of pure love and intentions.

15. Love Him

Tricks to make a man obsessed with you

Lastly, one of the tricks to make a man obsessed with you is to show him that you love him as well.

Show him that you value and appreciate his presence in your life and don’t be shy to tell him, let him know!

Randomly send love texts to him or chip “I love you” in the middle of conversations.

Trust me, this will make him crazy.


Knowing that a man is in love with you comes with a special feeling that every lady can relate to.

However, this blog post has highlighted some practical points that will ignite your love in your man’s heart such that he’ll forever be obsessed with you.

I hope you put them into practice.

How To Make Him Obsessed With You

Signs A Man Loves You But Is Afraid To Say So

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